Safeguarding your home against the devastating fury of hurricanes isn’t a task to be taken lightly. The materials you opt to use in your storm defense strategies can make a world of difference when faced with high winds and relentless rain. At the forefront of hurricane protection options, polypropylene and Kevlar hurricane screens stand out, each offering its unique blend of advantages and considerations.

Still, the pivotal question remains, which one truly holds the fort when nature’s wrath unfolds? Let Atlas Armor help you make an informed decision with this comprehensive guide.


Understanding Polypropylene Hurricane Screens

Polypropylene hurricane screens are an economical yet reliable choice for many homeowners. These screens are made of strong, lightweight plastic that offers a good level of impact resistance. As an added benefit, polypropylene screens allow for clear visibility and ample light transmission.

The durability of polypropylene screens is commendable. These screens are not only resistant to wind-blown debris but also have excellent UV stability. That means less maintenance and a longer lifespan, offering an exceptional return on investment.

However, polypropylene screens, while being resistant to wind and minor debris, may not offer the highest level of protection against severe storm impacts.


The Power of Kevlar Hurricane Screens

On the other hand, Kevlar hurricane screens, constructed from the same material used in bulletproof vests, bring an elevated level of protection. These screens boast an incredibly high tensile strength that excels in extreme conditions.

In terms of impact resistance, Kevlar screens take the lead. Able to withstand high winds and heavy debris, they provide superior home safety during hurricanes. While they allow less light transmission compared to polypropylene screens, their superior resistance to wind and debris may outweigh this minor inconvenience for many homeowners.

In addition, durability is another feather in the cap of Kevlar screens. They’re UV resistant and have a high tolerance to temperature fluctuations. However, this advanced level of protection comes with a heftier price tag.


Making Your Choice: Polypropylene or Kevlar?

When choosing between polypropylene and kevlar hurricane screens, consider your specific needs. Polypropylene screens are a cost-effective option offering reasonable protection. These screens are suitable for regions experiencing lower-risk hurricanes.

On the flip side, if your property is located in a high-risk hurricane zone and your budget allows, kevlar screens can be a worthwhile investment. Despite being pricier, their exceptional strength and high-impact resistance offer unmatched peace of mind when the storm comes knocking.


Discover Superior Hurricane Protection with Atlas Armor

Safeguarding your home from the havoc of hurricanes demands nothing short of the best. With exemplary installation services and access to high-quality materials such as polypropylene and kevlar hurricane screens, Atlas Armor emerges as a leading provider in the field of hurricane protection. We blend our commitment to quality with expert knowledge, providing a service tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re choosing polypropylene for its cost-effectiveness or kevlar for its unrivaled strength, Atlas Armor ensures that your screens are installed to offer maximum protection.

Discover premier home safety during hurricanes with Atlas Armor because when it comes to your home, only the best will do.